How to save tax on the sale of a house

How to save tax on the sale of a house Several provisions in the Income Tax Act, enable you to reduce or avoid paying tax on the gains accrued from the sale of a house ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is this a Long Term Capital Asset or Short Term? When you make a gain on the sale of a house, you have to pay a tax on your gains. If three years have passed, between the date of purchase and sale of an asset, then, your gain from the sale will be classified as a long-term capital gain. If three years have not elapsed, your gain will be treated as a short-term capital gain. Long-term capital gain is taxed at the rate of 20%, while short-term capital gain is taxed at your marginal tax rate. What are the Tax Rates STCG are included in your taxable income and taxed at applicable tax rates basis your slab. LTCG are taxed at 20% with indexation ...